Summertime, Summertime, Summertime

This is my first post in a while due to the recent death of my beloved Dad and then following immediately on its heels was the start of summer.  Wow, it was quite the emotional and exhausting Spring.

I think I am just getting my “sea-legs” for Summer.   We started the summer with a biking camp for Elizabeth.  It was from the “iCan Shine” company.  That was five days of watching Elizabeth go round and round in a gym on a special bike.  The last day was GREAT, she went outside on her own bike and RODE IT.  I was watching her circle the gym for an hour and 15 minutes each day thinking so many things.  Perhaps you can relate?

1. I AM SO PROUD OF HER –  I think this so often, but then once in a while I REALLY think it and this was one of those times.  Imagine having to work so hard each day for all the things you want to do and still smiling and laughing.  Elizabeth is a very pleasant and warm young lady.  I am not so sure, I could be that person if I had to face all she does each day.

2. I WANT THE WORLD FOR HER-  Ever since Elizabeth was a young child, I hoped the world would open up for her, that she would have all the opportunities open to her, that she could follow her interests  and be given every chance possible.  Our children work so hard at just plain life, that to be denied any opportunity would be heartbreaking.

3. I WANT THE WORLD TO UNDERSTAND HER-  After having advocated for Elizabeth for so long, I truly want her disorders to be understood and therefore SHE would be understood  I do not mind having to explain how Elizabeth “works” to any and all who ask or are going to work with her, but to have them know SOMETHING about her disorders would be fantastic.  Just think how nice that would feel to go into a meeting/classroom and be met with questions about how your child shows signs of the disorder as opposed to ” I am sorry, but WHAT does you child have?”

4. I PRAY FOR PATIENCE AND CLARITY OF THOUGHT-  There are times when I think, “We have been at this marathon for over 16 years”  I know I want the best for her but like all parents of special needs children know, patience can wear thin.  I pray for the clarity to know when I need a break, a moment, a prayer.  I pray I can close my mouth when I want to correct, I pray I can open it when I want to compliment and I pray I know when those times are.

5.  I LOVE THIS CHILD SO MUCH- There she was, smiling on that bike, helmet on, squishing down that mass of curls and she was happy.  I would move any mountain for her….I believe in this child.  Period.  And as she was peddling away on this bike outside, I look up in the sky to see the beautiful eagle soaring above us.  The same eagle that has been above us since my Dad died.  We see if often and regularly.  I feel it is my Dad telling us he is okay and that he is with us.  My Dad had a very special place in his heart for Elizabeth.  He called her his “penny from heaven”  She remembers this with a smile.

So I looked up in the sky to see this eagle….I was happy to see it there.   “See Dad” I thought.  “She’s doing pretty well, help us keep and eye on her”

We ended camp that day, and began the next part of summer.  I am happy to say Elizabeth is enjoying the relaxed pace of summer and is laughing and happy,.

I am getting there…..I know we have an amazing guardian angel to watch over us.

Wishing you all a peaceful week.






4 thoughts on “Summertime, Summertime, Summertime

  1. Pingback: Michele Gianetti: Life with SPD and Dyspraxia « SPD University

  2. I would love to talk to you I have a daughter 11 years old her name is stephanie I received some information from my sister-n-law she printed off internet you wrote oh my god steph is across theboard savere global dyspraxia,spd and had complex partial seizures. school im so tired of the fight my cell phone 413-273-3622 i plan to buy your book today.

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