The Latest

I know it has been such a long time since I have posted.  I want to say life stepped in but it is more than that.

There are times that I am working so hard on something new for Elizabeth that I want to have it be a success for her before I share it with you.  Then life steps in and I don’t share or post.  Then there is something new….and you get the point.

But, I am going to change that philosophy and simply share.

I had done that before, sharing the good the bad and the day to day.  I think as she entered the college program the challenges that she has risen to are wonderful but they have taken work on all of our parts.

They have actually at times taken A LOT of work.

So suffice it to say that she, like us all, are works in progress.  And I want to continue to share these with you.

In a true fashion because maybe what we are doing now will be the thing others want/need to know about.  And that reason is one of the four I have for doing my books, lectures and blogs.

The other reasons are to honor all of Elizabeth’s hard work in life, to raise awareness for her disorders and to let parents/caregivers know that they can make a difference in their child’s life.

So on we go.

Talk to you very soon


Some Thoughts

I watched as Elizabeth worked so hard to tell her brother about her day.
She told him in a few sentences about her day. And I loved watching her do this. But I could see that she was working pretty hard to get it all out.
And as I watched this, I started to think about how much work her days are.
All day.
Everyday. Continue reading