Just Some Thoughts

So I know Elizabeth is 21 years old.
I know that she is in a college program and doing well.
I also know that we communicated all the information about her disorders of Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) to those working with her.
But what I also know is that due to her special needs, Continue reading

Trick Or Treat…And Much More

“Yes, Elizabeth you can go with your brother to trick or treat.”  A simple sentence said.  Many people would not think twice about it except to make sure that they had the proper costume for their child to wear but really that is about it.

But for me, it sort of makes my heart ache.  Let me explain.  The above sentence was said to my beautiful daughter Elizabeth.  Who has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and global dyspraxia AND who is 18 years old.  She absolutely loves to trick or treat, not to eat the eventual spoils of her work but to simple go. Continue reading

Be There For Each Other

I was fixing Elizabeth’s hair this morning and may I add that her hair takes a village to do, as it is so curly and PUFFY! I am working on her doing her own hair well but it is a dyspraxic nightmare. I can remember trying to teach her how to put the hair gel on her hair. I told her to put some on her hand, rub her hands together and then put it ALL over her hair. She ended up with the gel on the top of her head only and in a blob as well. So suffice it to say, it is a work in progress! So anyway, I was doing her hair and then she went off to wash her face before her make up goes on. I was thinking of all the little behind the scene things I do for Elizabeth each day. Whether it making sure her clothes matched when she was younger to double checking for spots on her shirts to now encouraging her to remind me to touch up her nail polish when it chips. These are all little things but to me such important things. I have always known that Elizabeth wants to have matching clothes ( see my blog at www.talktools.com ), clean tops, fresh nails and so so many more things but simply cannot complete the tasks by herself. So we help her have what she wants. As she has grown and achieved, more detailed, skilled tasks greeted her. So we keep attempting new things and keep working. But in the meantime, it falls to us to help her with things she cannot yet do well. Continue reading