Thoughts For A New Year

The start of the 2013-2014 school year….it seems like it was only one minute ago I was walking to the car at the end of the last day of school with an extremely happy seven year old and seeing the smile of Elizabeth as she said “We’re off!”

So much free time, so many fun things to do….summer time!

And now we are labeling school supplies, figuring out what new clothes we need, deciding where the new bus stop will be….school time. Continue reading

Time To Revisit The IEP For Next Year….already!?

I knew as I was sitting there that day that I was nervous. I generally don’t get nervous about this anymore or at least I haven’t in the past few years. I generally have an idea of  what will occur.  I have an a strong assurance that everyone is on the same page for Elizabeth, her needs and her goals for the future. So really, what was there to be nervous about?

Yes, I am talking about the IEP process.  Trust me we have had our fair share of those that have been so stressful and overwhelming but once we hit middle school things got better.  In huge part to the work of the intervention specialist and her willingness to work with and for us and Elizabeth.

But as we all know time passes, and as such these golden years of middle school are now closing out and we are in the transition process to high school.  It is amazingly hard to leave what you know and love and HOPE to recreate the good, while making positive choices and changes  for Elizabeth and all while meeting a new intervention specialist and support staff.

I was nervous alright. I am sure so many of you can relate.

I had actually met with the new intervention specialist in February, to say hello, share a bit about Elizabeth and provide her with a copy of my book.  I love that my book can help everyone understand Elizabeth and her disorders as well as giving them an understanding of where she started, how far she has come and the depth of our belief in her.  Having done all the above, you would think the meeting would be without anxiety. It was not. Continue reading

Advocacy…A Job We All Never Knew We Would Have

I have so much to say in the area of working with the school and one of the biggest things that I need to say is be ready to advocate for your child….be ready to do it from day one and be ready to KEEP doing it each and everyday each and every year. I wish someone had told me that when I first began my journey with Elizabeth! I think I thought that once things seemed in order then all was okay, but your really cannot feel that way. Yes things may indeed be in order but you have to be alert and watchful and involved. Your child may come home from school upset, something may be bothering them and if they are like Elizabeth and non-verbal or limited in their verbal abilities, then you will need to find out what is happening, you will need to be involved… this job is a non-stop one. I have learned so much as time has passed, I have learned that it is so important to be a part of your child’s school life and also that it is comforting in a way also, because you know that by being involved you will notice a problem and be able to address it in a shorter fashion than if you had to wait for someone to let you know or even wait for the beloved time called “conference night” Continue reading