Let the Celebration Begin

I heard the yells and the cheers as I finished swimming my lap of the pool and while this would not be unusual if I were in a race, but I was not in a race, so the cheers rang out quite noticeably.

It took me a few seconds to figure out the exact reason for the cheers. It was all for a little three year old girl who just decided that today was the day she was going to swim a complete lap of the pool. So her dad was walking next to her in the water, cheering her on. Then her siblings walked along the side of the pool, cheering her on. Soon the off-duty life guards did the same and then when that little red head popped up at the end of the pool, she smiled so beautifully, her hair kind covering some of her face, out of breath but PROUD. And the cheers continued. Continue reading

Intercessions Can Come In All Forms

When you have a child with special needs, in our case it is  Sensory Processing Disorder or SPD, and dyspraxia… there is always the hope that you will find the support you need in the form of family, friends, therapists and even support groups filled with those on similar journeys.

What is hard is when you have a child who has disorders that, although you are told are prevalent in the population, appear to be evident in your child only.  No matter how hard you look or scan crowds of children, no matter how many towns you go into, no one quite shows the signs of the disorders quite the way your child does.

No one but you it seems is coercing your screaming child into a shopping cart, into shoes, into a high chair. Continue reading