Elizabeth Believes in Herself

It is with great pleasure that I read Michele Gianetti’s follow up book to “I Believe In You: A Mother and Daughter’s Special Journey” about parenting a child with processing disorder (SPD). Michele tells the whole story as it unfolded for her from start to finish. You will become a part of her story and find yourself cheering her along. Breaking up the chapters by Elizabeth’s birthdays was so real and by number 20, the reader is exhausted and exhilarated by the life that the family has shared. Michele is the mom who never quits and who will do what it takes to make “understanding and acceptance” of her daughter a priority no matter what. I loved this book for its journey, its realism and for making the reader aware, again, of the parent’s journey. Thank you and BRAVO to Michele for allowing us to take a peek into her life. A true joy to read.

~ Lucy Jane Miller, Ph. D., OTR, founder of STAR Institute for SPD

“Due to immaturity and lack of experience, when compared to peers with natural development, the young adult with dyspraxia is truly trying to catch up. Therefore, at this point, it is vital to start working on the positives of these young adults because with understanding, support and acceptance the young adult with dyspraxia can achieve.”

~ Warren Fried, Founder of DyspraxiaUSA