Just Some Thoughts

So I know Elizabeth is 21 years old.
I know that she is in a college program and doing well.
I also know that we communicated all the information about her disorders of Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) to those working with her.
But what I also know is that due to her special needs, the work done at the beginning of the year, is just that….a beginning.
She came home from her first day at college telling me that things were a bit “crazy” that day, but she had a good day.
We talked about the things that made it crazy. All of these crazy things she said were in line with a typical first day of really anything new.
But it’s just this kind of evaluation that I know will be part of each day and all events of the year.
I have learned early on in this journey with Elizabeth, that no matter how much you communicate, no matter how much you advocate for your child and pretty much no matter how much you feel like you did everything you can for them to succeed for the new year, you will still need to evaluate and analyze.
Quite often.
The communication- Are the daily sheets coming home? Are they filled out well.
The activities- Is your child in the resource room too much? Are they following the things you agreed on?
The school work- Are the accommodations in place? Are they being followed?
And more…
But something else that I realized early on in our journey is that these things we evaluate and analyze are simply going to be part of our life and journey and to see them not as things I HAVE to do, but to see them as things that I NEED to do to help my daughter succeed.
So I look at her daily sheets and we talk.
I look at her work and we talk.
I text and email those who work with her and we talk.I know that what I do for her matters and makes the journey so much smoother.
Seeing what you need to do in the right light is what I learned early on and what I just wanted to share today.
I had someone say to me, just the other day ” I don’t know how you do it, Michele” and truthfully, those words were ones that hurt years ago. But now when I hear them, I think….
I know how I do it.
I do it because it is our journey.
It is her life.
And I know about all of us who love a special needs child, we would do ANYTHING, EVERYDAY, because we know it matters.
I hope someone could use these thoughts today.
I wish everyone a peaceful week.

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