Visits Into “Public 2”

I write in the entry above that we had to take her into the world. Well we did and it was hard, very hard. A child with so many sensory issues like Elizabeth has made her cry so much that I could never guess how an outing might turn our. But there were the times after she started therapy for SPD, that the trip to the library was a success or the trip to the store was without tears. I think my advice to someone who is just starting on their journey or to someone who has a child with any special needs is to set the bar kind of low at first. I remember needing about 1500 things at the store but getting the basics only. It was quicker, Elizabeth could do well for that time frame and when we were done we all felt so successful and that great feeling just lifts you up to do it again. To shedule too much is to just ask for a bad experience and for some reason those are harder to forget and tend to overshadow the next attempts at an outing. Continue reading