Ahh! The SPD shows its face

Wow, what a week! Elizabeth came down with a virus Wednesday afternoon, nothing serious but the kind that just wipes you out,and a slight temp. But the kind of virus that makes you want to get up from the couch only to move to the bed and repeat…

She had 3 days of what my kid’s refer to as “Room Service” That means just what it sounds like, they rest and I bring them their food and drinks to their rooms. Elizabeth is the best “sick” child we have. She rests and does what is asked…our other two are not always quite as pleasant. What is weird by this is that generally Elizabeth requires more involvement and effort but when she is ill, she does not.

I have 2 theories on this:

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She Did a Great Job

I can really live off of a good experience for a long time for sure!  I am so proud of Elizabeth, she had to go to an appointment yesterday and she was looking anxious. But here is the good part, we talked about what was going to happen, we told her what she needed to do, and we told her she could do it.  AND SHE DID!  I am so happy that even though her Sensory Processing Disorder showed itself initially, all of our work made the difference.  She talked beautifully, acted appropriately and made us all so proud.  Great job Elizabeth