Remember When?

i believe in you 150Every year when it is school picture time, I get the year’s new photo, take my first look at it, of course remark how absolutely gorgeous my children are and then proceed to put it in the frame above the fireplace.  The thing is each child’s picture frame has in it all the yearly pictures we have taken of them since they were about two years old.  Meaning Elizabeth who is 17 has 12 photos in her frame, her younger brother has seven and her older sister has topped out at 15 as she has graduated.  We like to do this thing we call “Taking a walk down memory lane” each time we change the photo.  To do this, we open the frame and set out each photo on the floor  in chronologic order.  We then look at each one to see how the person has grown and changed, once done we put them all away, display the new one and put it back on the wall. Continue reading