SPD is a Hard Thing To Pin Down

I am sitting here today watching the election results and I was thinking of the fact that the holidays are looming. Isn’t that a funny word as it sounds like something scarey is just WAITING for us.

The sad thing is for those who have sensory processing disorder or SPD, or who have a family member with the disorder, the holidays can seem to be that looming force. We ask ourselves how do we make the holidays work? How do we help our child navigate the sheer force of sensory input that is the holiday season itself? and on and on.

But the thing I was pondering today was that even though a child with SPD..(hey let’s just pick mine for the sake of example) has a huge fear of the dark. This fear was brought on by her SPD and a bad planetarium experience some 4 years ago. It is so bad that she won’t go into a theater. (Her reaction to a movie theater or a play is so intense and fearful that we as a family plan movie time AROUND her,) can go out into the dark to trick or treat. Why is that? Continue reading

Some Fall Thoughts

Well we are coming off a one of the busiest weeks I think we have had in a long while, of course I think I have said that particular phrase before, but suffice it to say THIS time I know it is true.

I was thinking about all the traditional fall things that we are doing, like getting pumpkins, jumping in leaves, long walks, and like I have told everyone on this blog before, the marking of a season ending and a new one starting, or any marking of time passing is hard on me.

I find myself comparing what Elizabeth is doing now to what she was doing last year. Or if she did it last year is it a bit easier for her this year. I cannot seem to help myself, even as much as I try.

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A New Smile

I cannot believe it and I know I knew she could do it but all the same I am still amazed everytime she shows me those braces. To me they mean so much more than just a cute new smile. To me they are the culmination of a day I had hoped would come.
When your child used to cry at the simplest of touches..braces mean so much more. I don’t know but it is hard for me to convey that to see her smile today, just meant so much to me. She did it, she wanted to achieve this goal and she did it.
Our little child, who could not be hugged or stand having her teeth brushed and cried for all her oral motor work for her oral dyspraxia…did it…she got her braces.

I smile each time I see them and I thank God for how far she has come.