Intercessions Can Come In All Forms

When you have a child with special needs, in our case it is  Sensory Processing Disorder or SPD, and dyspraxia… there is always the hope that you will find the support you need in the form of family, friends, therapists and even support groups filled with those on similar journeys.

What is hard is when you have a child who has disorders that, although you are told are prevalent in the population, appear to be evident in your child only.  No matter how hard you look or scan crowds of children, no matter how many towns you go into, no one quite shows the signs of the disorders quite the way your child does.

No one but you it seems is coercing your screaming child into a shopping cart, into shoes, into a high chair. Continue reading

Great Expectations…Or Not

Great Expectations…..we all have them for our children.  What we want them to achieve the goals we have set for them.  I know I do.  I hope that each year at this time, I can do a quick look over my shoulder at the past year in school and life think where Elizabeth was then and now.

By then and now I mean from September to June,  Those are my markers of a year. Maybe others use different markers of time, such a birthdays and most likely the majority simply use the calendar and mark time by months. But for me it is the school calendar that  I use.  So having said that…  Continue reading