A Friend’s Advice

I was getting on the elliptical machine the other day and like a lot of machines you have to put in your age. Sometimes, this is done by putting the numbers in like a calculator and other times, like mine, you push the up or down arrow until you get the correct age.
So the other day, I as I was advancing the age from its starting point of 35 years until it hit my age ( yes, it was a number of pushes), I started thinking as I watched the numbers advance. What was I doing at age 36, 37, 42, and on? And this was weird for me because I exercise almost daily so I had done this particular thing a great number of times.
But as I thought about the years, I, of course, started thinking about
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Some Thoughts

I watched as Elizabeth worked so hard to tell her brother about her day.
She told him in a few sentences about her day. And I loved watching her do this. But I could see that she was working pretty hard to get it all out.
And as I watched this, I started to think about how much work her days are.
All day.
Everyday. Continue reading

Just Some Thoughts

So I know Elizabeth is 21 years old.
I know that she is in a college program and doing well.
I also know that we communicated all the information about her disorders of Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) to those working with her.
But what I also know is that due to her special needs, Continue reading