Advocacy…A Job We All Never Knew We Would Have

I have so much to say in the area of working with the school and one of the biggest things that I need to say is be ready to advocate for your child….be ready to do it from day one and be ready to KEEP doing it each and everyday each and every year. I wish someone had told me that when I first began my journey with Elizabeth! I think I thought that once things seemed in order then all was okay, but your really cannot feel that way. Yes things may indeed be in order but you have to be alert and watchful and involved. Your child may come home from school upset, something may be bothering them and if they are like Elizabeth and non-verbal or limited in their verbal abilities, then you will need to find out what is happening, you will need to be involved… this job is a non-stop one. I have learned so much as time has passed, I have learned that it is so important to be a part of your child’s school life and also that it is comforting in a way also, because you know that by being involved you will notice a problem and be able to address it in a shorter fashion than if you had to wait for someone to let you know or even wait for the beloved time called “conference night” Continue reading

New School Year Prep Is Done!!!!

I just finished organizing myself for the start of the new school year!! It takes a fair amount of organization for the average child to get ready to begin a new year but for a child with special needs it is even harder!! I feel I must stay 2 steps ahead of where she is. I think it is so important to let the teachers know what you have been able to accomplish since the summer began, I love to write down all the things we did in these 3 months, it helps them to know I also want the school to be made aware of any behavioral modifications I did this summer, such as in the case of a 15 year old, working with her to think before she speaks and to try to be appropriate in all situations. I know this may sound like something that will come naturally but with dyspraxia it does not naturally occur and we need to help Elizabeth think through situations and make proper choices. I am proud as ever of all she has learned this summer and I want to share it with the school for that reason and also to have everyone start the year on the same page and begin to work with even higher expectations for our beautiful child. GOOD COMMUNICATION IS KEY TO A GOOD YEAR! Best of luck to you for a good start to the new school year.. PLEASE COME BACK SOON FOR MORE